Indoor Meeting: A Walk in the Park

All Saints Parish Centre Wigston Road, Blaby, United Kingdom

Weather permitting we will see what avian wildlife there is in Bouskell Park. If inclement, there will be a quiz and social evening

Indoor Meeting: AGM & Photo Competition

All Saints Parish Centre Wigston Road, Blaby, United Kingdom

A brief annual general meeting will be followed by the annual photo competition. Forward your best 3 bird photos for entry to no later than end of August

Indoor Meeting: Talk on Isles of Scilly

All Saints Parish Centre Wigston Road, Blaby, United Kingdom

Nigel Slater returns to give a presentation on his experiences on the Isles of Scilly

Indoor Meeting: Social evening with buffet

All Saints Parish Centre Wigston Road, Blaby, United Kingdom

Just over a week to Christmas so we celebrate a good birding year with a social evening. There may even be a mince pie for everyone!

1st Tuesday Evening Meeting

2024 sees us in the new surrounds of Blaby & District Social Centre. One of our members will be showing photos of the birds of India, which she has visited on several occasions in previous years.

Ecology of Bradgate Park

NB This is the 3rd Monday of this month, rather than our regular date. We welcome Steven Woodward who will be giving a presentation on one of Leicestershire’s most popular visitor sites