Author: rogerkeightley
12th January 2022 Meeting cancelled
We were looking forward to restarting our meetings in the new year, but in light of the impending progress of the new Covid variant Omicron, it would be irresponsible of […]
Martins, Swallows and Swifts
On 27 March I was out walking with my sharp-eyed eight-year-old grandson. “Look, look up there, Grandad, what are those birds?” With my poor eyesight it took me a while […]
Ghostly Images
You will, no doubt, have seen the impression left by a bird crashing into your patio window. You may be interested to know that only certain birds leave their waxy […]
Swift Box
Message from Jools Partridge: I installed a three colony swift box yesterday (made from an old organ pipe I was given some years ago). I set up a swift caller […]
Into 2021
Whilst we are still in the grip of Coronavirus, no meetings or trips will take place. As the vaccine programme rolls out this year and we start to see improvements […]
Christmas Message